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One thing I heard being said a lot is that the reason people choose to eat fast food is because they can’t afford to buy healthy groceries for their family. Fast food is the cheapest and easiest solution to that. I have a hard time believing that this is really true. So for my third move I embraced my inner myth busters and headed to McDonalds and the grocery store. I decided to find out the cost of two meals for a family of four. At McDonalds I chose a hamburger, small french fry, and a medium coke. I recorded the price and key nutritional information on that meal. I then went to the grocery store and decided I would “make” spaghetti and zucchini for my comparison meal. Here is what I found out:


TOTAL: $8.00

TOTAL: $13.00

Maybe it's not that a lot of americans can't afford the money to make a homemade meal necessarily, but maybe they can’t afford the time to go grocery shopping and make a meal. Maybe people don't know how to plan out a meal or cook it. The task of cooking chicken would seem daunting to me if I hadn't seen my mom do it 100 times before. They might have been raised on a fast food diet and not care for things like zucchini.


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